On July 23, 2020, a team of international researchers in seismology released a paper detailing their finding that Coronavirus shutdowns had led to “the longest and most coherent global seismic noise reduction in recorded history” (New York Times). Seemingly overnight, humanity had stopped moving and the resulting silence was measurable on a global scale. Composer and Sound designer Frederick Kennedy has collected data from seismographs around the world as well as recordings of quarantine living and numerous other inputs and blended it together to create a personalized sonic experience. From the surface of the planet to the depths of its core, and from the very human to the global, what does the earth sound like during this pandemic? Has it changed—and has it changed us? Rest is an audio meditation inspired by this shared moment, exploring the meaning of silence and space in our lives.
REST was made possible with support from The New York Community Trust, The Howard Gilman Foundation, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, The National Endowment for The Arts, The New York State Council on the Arts, and from individual donations.
Creative Team:
Frederick Kennedy - Concept, music, text, sound, visualization
Hugh Farrell - Dramaturg
Technical Consultants - Dakota Stipp, Dr. Kevin Patton
Special Thanks -
United States Geological Survey,
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology,
United States Library of Congress
Voice 1 - Emily Reilly
Voice 2 - Hugh Farell
Commissioned by Ma-Yi Theater, 2020

Photgraphy by